-- my_sessions -- William Robertson 2005, www.williamrobertson.net cl bre col kill_id format a12 hea "ID for|killing" col username format a12 hea "Oracle|user" col osuser format a8 hea "OS|user" col used_ublk format 999990 hea "Undo|blocks" col used_u_mb format 9,990.0 hea "Undo MB" col used_urec format 999990 hea "Undo|records" col session_status format a8 hea "Session|status" col logged_on_for format a11 hea "Logged on|for" col logon_time hea "Session|started" col transaction_status format a8 hea "Transaction|status" col transaction_start format a11 hea "Transaction|started" col type hea "Session|type" col command format a20 trunc hea "Command" col redo format a10 hea " Redo" select --+ all_rows '''' || s.sid || ', ' || s.serial# || '''' kill_id , s.osuser , s.username , replace(replace(replace(replace(replace ( to_char(trunc(sysdate,'month') + (sysdate - s.logon_time), 'DD HH24:MI:SS') , '01 ', '00 '), '02 ', '01 '),'03 ','02 '),'04 ','03 '),'05 ','04 ') as logged_on_for , s.status as session_status , t.status as transaction_status , to_char(to_date(t.start_time,'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),'HH24:MI:SS') as transaction_start , (t.used_ublk * db.block_size)/1048576 used_u_mb , case when sstat.value = 0 or sstat.value is null then to_char(null) when sstat.value < 1048576 then lpad(to_char(greatest(sstat.value/1024,1),'999g999') || ' K',10) when sstat.value < 1073741824 then lpad(to_char(sstat.value/1048576,'999g999') || ' M',10) else lpad(to_char(sstat.value/1073741824,'999g999') || ' G',10) end as redo , case when a.name = 'UNKNOWN' then null when a.name is not null then a.name when s.command = -67 then 'MERGE' else to_char(s.command) end as command from ( select value as block_size from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size' ) db , v$session s , audit_actions a , v$transaction t , v$sesstat sstat , v$statname n where s.username is not null and upper(s.osuser) = ( select upper(osuser) from v$session where audsid = sys_context('userenv','sessionid') ) and s.audsid != sys_context('userenv','sessionid') -- exclude this session and s.osuser != 'oracle' and a.action (+)= s.command and t.addr (+)= s.taddr and sstat.sid = s.sid and n.statistic# = sstat.statistic# and n.name = 'redo size' order by s.logon_time, to_date(t.start_time,'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS') /