Find Oracle data dictionary information, grouping the results into USER_/ALL_/DBA_/other. e.g. "@dict dict" finds DICT, DICTIONARY, DICT_COLUMNS, GV$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY and V$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY together with their descriptions.
-- dict.sql -- Find data dictionary information by querying DICTIONARY with wildcard -- and grouping the results into USER_/ALL_/DBA_/other. -- William Robertson, www.williamrobertson.net set term off store set sqlplus_settings.sql replace set define '&' break on sort_key skip1 nodup col sort_key noprint col table_name format a30 trunc col comments format a84 word set linesize 115 set pages 999 set autoprint off var pattern varchar2(30) exec :pattern := '&1' set term on with dict_view as ( select case when substr(table_name,1,5) = 'USER_' then 1 when substr(table_name,1,4) = 'ALL_' then 2 when substr(table_name,1,4) = 'DBA_' then 3 else 4 end as sort_key , table_name , comments from dictionary where table_name like upper('%'||:pattern||'%') union select case when substr(v.view_name,1,5) = 'USER_' then 1 when substr(v.view_name,1,4) = 'ALL_' then 2 when substr(v.view_name,1,4) = 'DBA_' then 3 else 4 end as sort_key , nvl(s.synonym_name,v.view_name) , nvl(d.comments,c.comments) from dba_views v left join dictionary d on d.table_name = v.view_name left join all_synonyms s on s.table_name = v.view_name and s.table_owner = v.owner and s.owner = 'PUBLIC' left join dba_tab_comments c on c.table_name = v.view_name and c.owner = v.owner where v.owner = 'SYS' and v.view_name like upper('%'||:pattern||'%') --and regexp_like(nvl(s.synonym_name,v.view_name),'^(USER|ALL|DBA|V\$|GV\$)') and d.table_name is null ) select sort_key, table_name, rtrim(comments) as comments from ( select sort_key, table_name, comments , row_number() over(partition by table_name order by table_name nulls last) as seq from dict_view ) where seq = 1 order by sort_key, table_name / set term off @sqlplus_settings.sql -- host rm sqlplus_settings.sql 2>/dev/null host del sqlplus_settings.sql set term on