Job control object
Job control modelled on Unix: declare "job" objects, submit them, wait for them to complete. Uses DBMS_JOB to submit tasks, DBMS_ALERT for jobs to pass back status and error messages, so the calling procedure can easily track the background jobs it started.
-- PL/SQL job control modelled on Unix: submit one or more tasks, wait for them to complete. -- Uses DBMS_JOB to submit tasks, DBMS_ALERT for jobs to pass back started/completed/failed messages. -- The DBMS_ALERT mechanism is hidden from the submit/wait interface. -- -- Object-based approach allows you to declare a job object then call myjob.submit() etc. -- (See demo block for examples.) -- -- Prerequisites: Execute permission on sys.dbms_alert. -- -- William Robertson 2004, -- Package (spec only) for constants used in type body: create or replace package job_pkg as k_error_code constant pls_integer := -20000; k_delimiter constant varchar2(3) := chr(0); -- Delimiter for packing messages k_job_queue_interval constant interval day(0) to second(0) default interval '5' second; -- Job statuses: k_submitted constant varchar2(30) := 'Submitted'; k_not_submitted constant varchar2(30) := 'Not submitted'; k_waiting_confirm constant varchar2(30) := 'Awaiting start confirmation'; k_submit_failed constant varchar2(30) := 'Submit failed'; k_in_progress constant varchar2(30) := 'In Progress'; k_wait_timed_out constant varchar2(30) := 'Wait timeout'; k_failed constant varchar2(30) := 'Abnormal Termination'; k_completed_ok constant varchar2(30) := 'Completed Successfully'; end job_pkg; / show errors -- job_ot object type: -- Submit one or more tasks, wait for them to complete. -- Uses dbms_job to submit tasks, dbms_alert to pass back started/completed/failed messages. -- The dbms_alert mechanism is hidden from the submit/wait interface. -- -- Object-based approach allows you to declare a new job_ot object then call myjob.submit() etc. create sequence job_seq start with 1 maxvalue 999 cycle; create or replace type job_ot as object ( name varchar2(30) , job_number number -- Number set by dbms_job.submit , handle varchar2(30) -- Generated unique id formed from name + generated sequence , command varchar2(4000) -- Command to execute , description varchar2(500) -- Text description , message varchar2(1000) -- Message returned from execution; error message if failed , wait_timeout interval day to second(0) , created_time timestamp , submitted_time timestamp , started_time timestamp , completed_time timestamp , run_status varchar2(50) -- In progress, failed etc , member procedure submit , member procedure wait ( p_timeout interval day to second default null , p_alertname varchar2 default null ) -- What to wait for: defaults to self.handle, above , constructor function job_ot ( p_name varchar2 , p_command varchar2 , p_description varchar2 default null , p_timeout interval day to second default interval '1' minute ) return self as result , static procedure execute ( p_command varchar2 -- What to execute , p_receipt_alert varchar2 -- Signal name for confirming receipt to submitting procedure , p_completed_alert varchar2 -- Signal name for confirming job completion to submitting procedure , p_invoking_session varchar2 ) -- Session id of submitting process , member procedure print ) / show errors create or replace type body job_ot as constructor function job_ot ( p_name varchar2 , p_command varchar2 , p_description varchar2 default null , p_timeout interval day to second default interval '1' minute ) return self as result is v_seq pls_integer; v_handle varchar2(3000); -- Bigger than required to ensure assignment does not fail begin select job_seq.nextval into v_seq from dual; v_handle := substr(nvl(upper(p_name),'alert') || '_' || v_seq,1,30); -- "_receipt" must not be longer than 35 characters: if length(v_handle) > 27 then v_handle := substr(upper(p_name),1,14) || '_' || v_seq; end if; := p_name; self.handle := v_handle; self.command := p_command; self.description := p_description; self.wait_timeout := nvl(p_timeout,interval '1' minute); self.created_time := systimestamp; self.run_status := job_pkg.k_not_submitted; return; end; member procedure submit is pragma autonomous_transaction; k_session_id constant varchar2(30) := dbms_session.unique_session_id; k_wait_timeout interval day(0) to second(0) := job_pkg.k_job_queue_interval * 2; cursor c_jobs(cp_command varchar2 := self.command) is select job from user_jobs where what = cp_command; v_command varchar2(5000); v_job_number pls_integer; v_message varchar2(1000); v_job_status pls_integer; v_receipt_name varchar2(30); begin if self.command is null then raise_application_error ( job_pkg.k_error_code , 'Command must be specified' ); elsif self.handle is null then raise_application_error ( job_pkg.k_error_code , 'Job handle must be specified' ); end if; v_receipt_name := self.handle || '_receipt'; v_command := 'job_ot.execute(''begin ' || replace(rtrim(self.command,'; '),'''','''''') || '; end;'', ''' || v_receipt_name || ''', ''' || self.handle || ''',''' || k_session_id || ''');'; -- In case same command already in job queue, remove any jobs for same command: for r_job in c_jobs(self.command) loop dbms_job.remove(r_job.job); end loop; -- Register interest in both receipt and completion alerts. -- submit waits for receipt; calling procedure waits for completion. dbms_alert.register(v_receipt_name); dbms_alert.register(self.handle); commit; submitted_time := systimestamp; begin dbms_job.submit ( self.job_number -- 'out' parameter: job number returned by dbms_job.submit , v_command -- in format 'job_ot.execute('begin cmd; end;', receipt_alert, completed_alert);' , sysdate -- First run , null ); -- Interval (none = no repeat) commit; run_status := job_pkg.k_submitted; exception when others then raise_application_error ( job_pkg.k_error_code , 'dbms_job.submit failed' , true ); end; -- Wait for background job just submitted to confirm that it is ready to begin: -- Job should send initial confirmation before doing anything (picked up here) followed by -- completion signal on success/failure at end (picked up by calling procedure). -- Note that when a member procedure fails with an exception, changes to the object state -- are lost, e.g. run_status will revert to 'Not submitted' - we cannot both raise an exception -- and change an attribute value. begin -- wait() will raise exceptions on failure self.wait(k_wait_timeout, v_receipt_name); dbms_alert.remove(v_receipt_name); if self.run_status = job_pkg.k_wait_timed_out then raise_application_error ( job_pkg.k_error_code , 'Submitted task failed to start (no confirmation received after ' || ltrim(to_char(k_wait_timeout),'+') || ')' , true ); end if; end; started_time := systimestamp; run_status := job_pkg.k_in_progress; commit; exception when others then run_status := job_pkg.k_submit_failed; raise_application_error ( job_pkg.k_error_code , 'Failed to submit job ' || v_command , true ); end submit; member procedure wait ( p_timeout interval day to second default null , p_alertname varchar2 default null ) -- What to wait for: defaults to self.handle, above is k_alertname constant varchar2(50) := nvl(p_alertname,self.handle); k_is_confirmation constant boolean := k_alertname = self.handle; k_timeout constant interval day to second := nvl(p_timeout,self.wait_timeout); k_maxwait constant pls_integer := nvl ( extract(day from k_timeout) * 86400 + extract(hour from k_timeout) * 3600 + extract(minute from k_timeout) * 60 + extract(second from k_timeout) , dbms_alert.maxwait ); v_delimiter_position pls_integer; v_message varchar2(32767); v_dbms_alert_status integer; begin if k_is_confirmation then run_status := job_pkg.k_waiting_confirm; end if; dbms_alert.waitone ( k_alertname , v_message , v_dbms_alert_status , k_maxwait ); dbms_alert.remove(k_alertname); v_delimiter_position := instr(v_message, job_pkg.k_delimiter); -- The returned message may be in the form "status[delimiter]message": -- if so, extract into run_status and message: if v_delimiter_position > 0 then run_status := substr(v_message,1,v_delimiter_position -1); message := substr(v_message,v_delimiter_position + length(job_pkg.k_delimiter)); else message := v_message; end if; if v_dbms_alert_status = 1 then -- Check status returned by dbms_alert: 1 = "timed out while waiting" self.run_status := job_pkg.k_wait_timed_out; self.message := 'Timeout after waiting ' || k_maxwait || ' seconds for job ' || || ': "' || substr(self.command,1,80) || case when length(self.command) > 80 then '...' else null end || '"'; -- Not good idea to have wait() fail, as then we lose any state changes that -- wait() made. Instead, the calling application should check thisjob.status. else if k_is_confirmation then completed_time := systimestamp; message := nvl(message,job_pkg.k_completed_ok); end if; end if; end wait; static procedure execute ( p_command varchar2 -- What to execute , p_receipt_alert varchar2 -- Signal name for confirming receipt to submitting procedure , p_completed_alert varchar2 -- Signal name for confirming job completion to submitting procedure , p_invoking_session varchar2 ) -- Session id of submitting process is pragma autonomous_transaction; v_status varchar2(30) := job_pkg.k_in_progress; v_message varchar2(1000) := job_pkg.k_in_progress; begin dbms_application_info.set_module('job_ot.execute', p_command); -- Send initial message to confirm instruction received: -- (echo back the value of 'p_receipt_alert') dbms_alert.signal(p_receipt_alert,v_status); commit; begin execute immediate(p_command); v_message := job_pkg.k_completed_ok || job_pkg.k_delimiter || job_pkg.k_completed_ok; exception when others then v_message := job_pkg.k_failed || job_pkg.k_delimiter || sqlerrm; end; -- Send specified alert to inform waiting process that task has completed: dbms_alert.signal(p_completed_alert,v_message); commit; end execute; member procedure print is procedure print_item ( p_name varchar2 , p_value varchar2 ) is begin dbms_output.put_line(rpad(p_name || ':', 15) || p_value); end print_item; begin print_item('Job name', name); print_item('Command', command); print_item('Description', description); print_item('Message', message); print_item('Created', created_time); print_item('Submitted', submitted_time); print_item('Started', started_time); print_item('Completed', completed_time); print_item('Run status', run_status); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)); end print; end; / show errors set serverout on size 100000 prompt prompt Demo/test (allow 20 seconds for submit/wait/output cycle to complete): prompt set echo on declare -- Create some job objects: v_ok_job job_ot := new job_ot('should_work', 'null;', 'Background job test: successful job'); v_invalid_job job_ot := new job_ot('should_fail', 'nosuchcommand', 'Background job test: handle failure'); v_slow_job job_ot := new job_ot ( 'should_timeout' , 'dbms_lock.sleep(20)' -- User must have execute permission on sys.dbms_lock , 'Background job demo 2: trapping failure' , interval '5' second ); -- Job will fail to complete within time allowed begin dbms_output.put_line('Defined the following jobs:' || chr(10)); v_ok_job.print(); -- Display basic info about the job v_invalid_job.print(); v_slow_job.print(); dbms_output.new_line; dbms_output.put_line('Calling submit() method of each job in turn...' || chr(10)); v_ok_job.submit(); -- Submit in background v_invalid_job.submit(); v_slow_job.submit(); dbms_output.put_line('Jobs have now been submitted in background.'); dbms_output.put_line('We can now get on with something else until we are ready to wait for them to complete.'); dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||'...'||chr(10)); dbms_output.put_line('Calling wait() method of each job in turn...' || chr(10)); v_ok_job.wait(); v_invalid_job.wait(); v_slow_job.wait(); dbms_output.put_line('Job details after all jobs have returned:' || chr(10)); v_ok_job.print(); v_invalid_job.print(); v_slow_job.print(); end; / set echo off